Recent Classifieds

Pleased to let you know that our Beautiful pet Missy has given birth to an adorable litter of 10 puppies, consisting of 8 Males and 2 Females. This is Missy's 3rd Litter, She has a proven record of...


Pure bred dachshund puppies awaiting loving and caring homes. Cuddly, smart , energetic playful . Enjoy the company of other domesticated pets and kids . Available with full akc registration , will...


Pleased to let you know that our Beautiful pet Missy has given birth to an adorable litter of 10 puppies, consisting of 8 Males and 2 Females. This is Missy's 3rd Litter, She has a proven record of...


They will be ready to go September 9th. Accepting deposits now. Non shedding and hypoallergenic. Will be in the 10 to 15lb range. Text 865-8five1-32nine5 for more details or to set up a FaceTime....


 Random Classifieds

Super cute Bichon Frise Puppies Lovely Bichon Frise puppies ready to melt your heart with their tender kisses. Both are nice quality and have very sweet and loving personalities and gorgeous coat....


we will have winter babies . taking deposits down on winter babies. timbers . they cost 2000. photos of one of the breeders .sweet babies . very healthy . can live 20 plus years . no heart worm...


We have 3 red Toy Poodle puppies available (1 female), (2 males) The puppies have been raised and well socialized in our family home with children present. Toy poodles are fabulous dogs as they are...


we will have . winter babies . taking deposits down on these litters . cost 2000 . photo of one of the breeders . sweet babies . very healthy . can live 20 plus years . no heart worm or parvo ....
