Recent Classifieds

CKC Boston Terrier puppies. We are now accepting deposits on available puppies and upcoming litters. Raised in our home with love and children. Our dogs and puppies are a part of our family. We have...


Bugg/Bugston puppies. We are now accepting deposits on available puppies . Raised in our home with love and children.Our dogs and puppies are apart of our family. We have been raising quality puppies...


Wwe have only three males left!! 10 week old Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppies ready to go to a loving home. Our puppies come with a 1 year health warranty, shots are up to date and this is the second and...


Hi! We are proud to announce first litter from our imported boy Valentino with the best lines from across the world🎉 Our Queen Dracarys had a beautifull litter of boys and girls, we are family of 4 w...


 Random Classifieds

Super cute Bichon Frise Puppies Lovely Bichon Frise puppies ready to melt your heart with their tender kisses. Both are nice quality and have very sweet and loving personalities and gorgeous coat....


we have Ragdoll kittens. 1 center point chocolate female. 1 solid blue female. 3 solid chocolates. 1 male / 2 females. born 12/21/2024. cost by color center points 600 and solids 400. photo of baby....


we have babies' timbers. born 12/6/2024. 5 females. cost 1,500. we are taking deposits down on these babies. mother and babies doing great . come with vet check. shots. worming. papers. sweet and...


Hi! We are proud to announce first litter from our imported boy Valentino with the best lines from across the world🎉 Our Queen Dracarys had a beautifull litter of boys and girls, we are family of 4 w...
